A smile is a tool, something people are born to use. Their contagious and shape the atmosphere, emotions, and people. They're free to give so you may as well take advantage of what you have. What's the difference between right and wrong, anyway? It's the people with the right clothes, aesthetics, and genetics, that make it to the top-glamor just hides the scars it took to claw their way there. It's weaving words like spider-webs coming from a dangerous curve of the lips and a squint of the eyes to manipulate others, that's all it takes to convince others that you're right and their wrong.
Animals bare their teeth to display dominance and aggression, so why does it equal openness with humans? The main reason is because human teeth is not commonly used as a weapon. A bite in the arm or leg is effective enough as a form of self defense to escape from certain grips but the worst it'll do is temporarily maim even if an infection sets in. For humans, casual quirks of the lips are not threats, but an illusion.
Happiness is an image to keep. At school, the stereotypical popular girl is the one with the perfect life and friends and overall happy image. She laughs and quips and pouts and gasps, but how many thoughts are truly hidden?
I am a generally happy person who smiles a lot, that's a fact. But sometimes its fake. I'm calmer and more mellow than most people think and sometimes put down the façade to be me for a while. It's when I'm myself that more people ask me if I'm upset with them or feeling okay because I'm not smiling. To them, a me who's not smiling must be angry or sad. They're asking at the wrong times.
They tell me it's my main feature and to never stop smiling, but what if it's not me?
(b.p.) |